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The environmental perspective is integrated into all functions at VOLA

In the production as well as in the use of the VOLA taps the environmental perspective plays an important part. Excess materials are recycled in production and by doing this, nature is preserved in the best way.

Environmental policy
VOLA A/S manufactures and markets VOLA taps, mixers and accessories designed by Arne Jacobsen among others and seeks to be the leading international brand within Scandinavian design of sanitary fittings for both the kitchen and bathroom. We manufacture products of the highest quality taking into consideration both environmental and social responsibilities.

Policy objective:
In the light of its vision VOLA will handle natural resources respectfully such as
*as a minimum, fulfil legal requirements and other requirements to prevent environmental risks that the company has committed itself to
*seek to reduce the amount of energy used per manufactured unit
*seek to reduce the impact on its environment such as industrial discharge and waste

VOLA is certified according to the quality standards ISO 9001ISO I4001 (environment) and  ISO 45001 (work environment).

Our stories

We created six stories that look at VOLA and what makes
it what it is today. Often imitated but never matched.
VOLA is The Original.

Follow VOLA on Instagram to discover more inspiring updates about design and architecture. @vola.denmark – Posts from Instagram
Danish design heritage VOLA experience A promise of longevity

In choosing VOLA you become part of the enduring heritage of iconic Danish design and exceptional craftsmanship.

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