Press releases
Factory workers in Horsens surprised by Aarhus Symphony Orchestra flash mob
When Aarhus Symphony Orchestra suddenly appeared inside the factory at VOLA, it was not simply about providing entertainment for the employees. It was a celebration of the dedication to aesthetic beauty and craftsmanship that the members of the orchestra and the employees at VOLA all share.
A year on from the launch of a new product colour and finish, VOLA have released photography, product footage and an article looking at the emphatic purity of matt white in a new light. The latest release is showcased within a unique and rich textured design scheme, created by architect Benoit Viaene. The incredible project, located deep within the Belgium countryside, provided the perfect atmospheric backdrop for the beautifully tactile finish.
‘Danish design and the future’
– Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen/Norm Architects: Film release