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VOLA Philosophy

VOLA Philosophy

Celebrating continuity celebrating change

We intend to defend and develop our position as an exclusive design brand, representing the best of Scandinavian design. We will always produce VOLA taps and mixers in Denmark and we’ll always use the highest quality raw materials. We will take care to preserve resources such as energy and water. While respecting our design heritage, we will invest in new product development to reinforce our leadership status. Even revolutionary design can benefit from technology led evolution.

By establishing closer connections to our customers we will maintain relationships and develop new links with important influencers. We’ll create new partnerships in specific sectors and we’ll add value by making our technical know how more widely available.

We see our employees and organization as our strongest asset. We work together as a family and live the VOLA brand values every day to keep our promise to the VOLA customers.


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Danish design heritage VOLA experience A promise of longevity

In choosing VOLA you become part of the enduring heritage of iconic Danish design and exceptional craftsmanship.

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